Sergio Leone, portrait of an outlaw

Written and directed by Jean-François Giré


This is, in a “Once upon a time” fashion, the story of Sergio Leone, from his birth and childhood in Fascist Italy until his last film project. This is the story of this unusual trajectory in the world of cinema and the “big dream” which inspired this epicurean master of the image right up until his death. Through archives and images of the places of his childhood in Rome and fabulous locations in Andalusia, the dramaturgy of the film grows with the rising intensity in his work, from his famous “Dollars” trilogy to his “Once Upon a Time” trilogy.

ARTE Trailer

Format: 16/9 - 1x52’ + 1x72' - Color - HD
Production: UN FILM À LA PATTE, L’ENVOL & ARTE France
With the participation of Ciné+
Fundings: Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée, Région Grand Est and Strasbourg Eurométropole in partnership with CNC, Procirep-Angoa
International distribution: Terranoa
First broadcaster: ARTE
Second broadcaster: Ciné+
© 2018

: Michel Franco, Angelo Caliendo, Hugues de Rosière & Luis Fernandez
: Giovanni Buccomino
: Grégoire Chevallier-Naud & Jean-François Giré
Graphism: Jean-Clément Turblin & Jérôme Letué
Original music
: Jean-Baptiste Loussier

Selection out of competition at the Almerìa International Film Festival of Almerìa (Spain), 2019

Produced films