Le théâtre qui boite

Written and directed by Catherine Rechard


Who holds the decision-making power over what can happen in the field of artistic creation? There is a need to transform obstacles so that plays, films, and all kinds of works created on the fringes of established circuits can reach the public.
Performing, writing, painting, dancing, or filming is always a fight to assert one's desire.
In the pine forest of Villeneuve-Lès-Avignon, the performances encounter obstacles that embody the resistance faced by all forms of artistic expression.
In 1968, Jean Dubuffet made this a central issue in his essay Asphyxiating Culture. It is more relevant than ever after two years of a pandemic that have impoverished the most vulnerable cultural actors.


Format: 16/9 - 1x66' - Color - HD
: UN FILM À LA PATTE in association and wih the support of PROARTI
With the support for writting from the Région Normandie

Produced films