Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Carrot - Cherry

Directed by Claudia Marschal, co-written with Ian Simpson


In our daily lives, living secretively amongst us there are heroes, heroes who were born with extraordinary powers. They are not your ordinary super-heroes. They are everywhere, doing a dangerous and sometimes hazardous job. Super-Carrot, Jean-Louis the Pea, Agent Broc and their associates will stop at nothing to fight the evil forces eating away the planet. Each one of them has been sent on mission by me, I.U. - Identity Unknown. I am also a superhero. But for the security and defence of mankind it is of paramount importance that I remain unidentified.


Format: 16/9 - 5x26’ & 10x13’ - Color - HD
Production: UN FILM À LA PATTE, SL2P & ARTE G.E.I.E.
Fundings: Région Alsace, Strasbourg Eurométropole, DRAAF & ADEME
First broadcaster: ARTE
© 2015

In collaboration with the illustrators Till Charlier, Adrià Fruitos, Nikol, Violaine Leroy, Amandine Piu, the animator Léo Puel and the artists Linda Cerqueda and Lyonel Kouro

Editing: Raphaëlle Girard, Fred Piet & Dora Soltani

- Selection
 at the Festival Le jour le plus court de Strasbourg (France), 2017
- Selection at the Festival Imagésanté de Liège (Belgium), 2015
- Selection at the Schlingel International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience de Chemnitz (Germany), 2015
- Selection at the New-York International Children's Film Festival de New York (United-States), 2015

Produced films