In production
Montessori: from school to nursing home
Carpooling, work, sleep
Before closure for renovation (At the Metz Opera-Theater)
Trance: a new therapeutic path
Chiribiquete, Amazonian memory at stake
Félix Vallotton, the colors of desire
In development
Shostakovich: The Symphony in Red
Matobo, the first African painters
Chronicle of the green Rhine, genesis of the ecologist movement
Le petit remplacement
Wartime Rape, from the Shadows to the Spotlight
Produced films
Le théâtre qui boite
School bullying, our lives afterward
Sabine Zlatin or the impossible forgetfulness
Tibet vs. China
The climbing prophets
Mother nature against anxiolytics
Lipstick: make-up power
They work at night
Climate Change: the brain paradox
The amazing story of Adélaïde H, a born resistant
EXTRAMUROS, a sentence without walls
On equal terms
State owned children
Reducing the risk
The world according to Modi, the new strength of India
The 1001 faces of Palmyra
Philomena - Episode FREEDOM
Philomena - Episode JUSTICE
Philomena - Episode DIFFERENCE
Philomena - Episode LOVE
Philomena - Episode DEATH
The mystery of the Rascar Capac mummy
From the Cro-Magnon to Soulages, Contemporary Prehistoric Art
Words from (small) bosses
Those children who don’t speak
Sergio Leone, portrait of an outlaw
In balance
When the Impressionists discover Japan
Kurdistan: the untold story of Mesopotamia
The right to have rights
The island of dreams, the port of the Rhine
The migrants from Darién
Sowers of joy, from the Himalayas to the Andamans
Carnival In Oruro, The Sacred Dance
Carnival In New Orleans, The Mardi Gras Mosaic
Carnival In Barbagia, Collective Exuberance
Carnival In Villingen, The Fifth Season
Carnival In Salvador De Bahia, Black Beauty
Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Lemon - Pumkin
Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Watermelon - Broccoli
Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Coconut - Pea
Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Carrot - Cherry
Who Wants To Eat Super-Heroes? Pineapple - Tomato